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Showing posts from March, 2019

Gain More Understanding With Sensitivity Analysis: BWPT Case

As far as I’m concerned, building a financial model serves two major purposes: 1.        To reverse-engineer share price to get shareholders’ expectation 2.        Finding important factors that affect a company’s value Unfortunately, without a framework that could clearly link performance measurement with value, building a financial model would lack insights in serving those two big purposes. It could easily fall into an exercise just for the sake of formality. A good model gives valuable insights. Generally speaking, I have found that a model that serves the first point (reverse-engineer) is more useful for investing purposes. It may surprise you, but finding implied shareholders’ expectation is possible without making our own future projections. After all, shareholders’ already done that job for us. Read my other articles for this topic. In some specific situations however, namely a concerning negative EVA...

The Often Neglected Important Lesson From Finance Class

Bagi yang pernah mengikuti pelajaran finance atau membaca buku teori finance, pastinya mengenal nama Modigliani & Miller (MM). MM merevolusi dunia analisa investasi saham dimana valuasi aset menjadi inti dari analisa fundamental. MM mendapat penghargaan Nobel karena berhasil memberikan fondasi solid pengukuran nilai perusahaan yang berhubungan dengan konsep NPV yang sebelumnya merevolusi dunia manajemen korporat. Fondasi MM terletak dalam 3 proposisinya. Ketiga proposisi ini menyuarakan satu hal yang sesuai dengan konsep NPV: aspek financing tidak mempengaruhi nilai perusahaan, hanya investasi NPV positif yang bisa meningkatkan nilai perusahaan. MM menentang pandangan lama yang beranggapan komposisi utang/ekuitas menentukan nilai perusahaan. Di dalam pandangan lama, komposisi utang yang lebih besar memiliki efek multiplier terhadap nilai perusahaan (seperti dilihat di ROE), dan satu lagi yang terkenal: kebijakan pembagian dividend berpengaruh terhadap nilai perusahaan. MM menen...